EXPLORE CHINA’S MOUNT TAISHAN with this slideshow, check the location map and get all the facts and information below.
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Location and Values: Mount Taishan is the most famous sacred mountain in China, located in the eastern coastal province of Shandong. Its highest peak stands at 1532m and it is considered one of the most beautiful scenic spots in China. It has exceptional historic, cultural, aesthetic and scientific value and has been an important cradle of oriental East Asian culture for more than 3000 years.
Conservation Status and Prospects. According to IUCN’s recent Conservation Outlook Assessment the conservation status of this site is ‘good with some concerns’. The IUCN report notes that ‘given the importance of Taishan for the Chinese people, both locally and nationally, there should be long-term, sustainable support for conserving the values of the site. A well-funded and well-staffed management system is in place to deal with the most serious threats to Taishan – the negative impacts of heavy and growing visitation and the danger of wildfires and pest infestation. The existing management system needs to allow for fuller participation of local communities in decision-making and getting equitable benefits. The impacts of cable cars on the scenery and visitor experience are of concern, as is the threat of extinction of red-scale fish. Interpretation, staff training, water management, and fire control measures could use improvement.’
Google Earth
Official UNESCO Site Details
IUCN Conservation Outlook
UNEP-WCMC Site Description
Slideshow description
The photos in this slideshow are intended to ‘tell the story’ of Mount Taishan, showing the area’s dramatic mountain landscapes, and the temples and cultural attributes of the place.
This page of the website is still under development and a more detailed description of the various aspects of the site will be included in due course – so please come back again soon!
Website Categories: Mountains; Temperate & Boreal Forests
Area: 250 km2
Inscribed: 1987
- Outstanding natural beauty (vii);
- Cultural criteria (I,ii,iii,iv,v,vi)